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Class info

Homework Policy

Homework will be given everyday Mon-Thursday and returned in a homework folder on each day.  They are to write it down in their planner each morning. Each week I-ready assignments will be given for reading and math and each student is required to have a minimum of  2 lessons completed for reading and 2 for math. They may complete more if they wish.  Homework is counted towards their grade, please make sure they complete it daily.

Make-up Work

Any time your child misses school, they will be given their make-up work when they return. They will be given  3 days to complete it and turn it in. Atfer 3 days, points will be taken off.

Behavior Management

Our class will be using an economy system through Classcraft and clip chart. Students will receive points when displaying correct behavior and will lose points due to misconduct. With Classcraft students are able to build their characters when receiving points and HP. Also with the clip chart students will have to move their clips up for positive behavior and down for negative behavior. If a student reaches parent contact they will be issued a detention. 


Students grades will be posted to Pinnacle. To access your child's grades, please visit the website below. I suggest that you check your child's grades weekly. Your child's username is their Student ID number and their password is their birth date (yyyymmdd).


Pinnacle website:

Class technology programs

Practice makes perfect!

Acclerated Reader (AR)


AR will be worth a  project grade for each quarter which will be a portion of their overall Reading grade. In the classroom, I  will ensure they take quizzes on the books they read.Please have your child read at least 20-30 minutes daily at home. To  check your child's progress,the website  is listed below:

AR website:


 IReady is a reading and math program that works on your child's level. IReady is completed in class each day and can be completed at home as well. IReady will be used as a grade in class each week. The students have to reach goals each week by completing lessons


IReady website: 

VOCABULARY.COM is an instructional tool that we use in 4th grade. teaches our students words by systematically exposing them to a wide array of question types and activities that will help you understand all the meanings and nuances of every word they're learning.

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